Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The Biggest Beet for your Buck

I have been looking for ways to stretch my budget further recently and by far my biggest expense is food.  I work in the same shopping center as Whole Foods, easily making it the most convenient venue for me to shop.  I have long defended them from the Whole Paycheck tag insisting that if you are shopping literally for whole foods - produce, meat, eggs, etc - you are paying the same as anywhere else.  However if you are buying packaged foods, sure, go ahead and pay plenty more than you would elsewhere.  I decided to test my belief and actually took a list and a clipboard to Whole Foods, Vitamin Cottage, and Sprouts.  I am a believer in buying organic if your budget allows, so I went to the places that offer the deepest selections of organics.  My list started with the contents of a Monday shop for the week and I added some staples that might generally be purchased like coffee, canned tomatoes, olive and coconut oils, etc.

The winner was Vitamin Cottage for a savings of $10.62 for the week over Whole Foods.  Sprouts came in next for a savings of $7.43 for the week.  That is a difference of $552 and $386 respectively for the year!  And I didn't even get into supplements or body products.

Now before we get too carried away, I will still be shopping at Whole Foods for protein.  The meat selection is expansive, grass-fed, and cheaper with some selections (grass fed ground beef). There are also some odd discrepancies, such as the 16oz pre-washed spring mix at Whole Foods is cheaper than the 10oz spring mix of the same brand at Vitamin Cottage.  Sprouts' dairy is nearly $2 more expensive than Whole Foods for the yogurt I like.  I would love to know more about grocery store merchandising, but for now I am just going to try to be smarter in my purchases where time allows.  Click here to see the actual list and pricing. 

Next stop - Costco!

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