Tuesday, November 29, 2016

5 Tips on How to be Empowered During the Holidays

The holidays can be filled with stress about gifts, food, and family interactions.  Here are 5 tips to not only survive, but thrive during the holidays.
  1. EMBRACE THE ADULT YOU: You don't have to assume the role that you had when you were a child just because you are with more than one family member.  Be the independent, confident, capable of making decisions adult that you are.  
  2. EAT:  Keep your blood sugar even.  Low blood sugar can make you aggressive, moody, light-headed, and unable to think clearly to respond when someone is pushing your buttons.  Have some protein and fat before enjoying tasty sugary treats and booze to avoid a blood sugar spike and the following crash. 
  3. CALM EXPECTATIONS:  Don't expect everyone to be rational.  You don't have to complete your List of Amazing in the six weeks between Thanksgiving and the New Year, so don't expect your family members to evolve during that time either.  Meet them where they are, because that is the only place they can be.  As a personal trainer, I can't expect my client with knee pain to do box jumps in the same way that I can't expect my dad to get over his deep hatred of flying.  I have to expect both individuals to be where they are, and I can go from there (even if it is not where I want them to be or where I want to be myself).  
  4. HONOR THE DIVINE:  Look for the enchanted.  Decorations are twinkling, children are filled with wonder, snow may be falling.  Find the beauty in the amazing world around you.  It is easy to focus on the list of things to accomplish and miss the divinity in our world found in the brisk air, the gorgeous sunrises, and the smiles of the people around you. Connect with something deeper as you see the joy around you. 
  5. GIVE:  Find a way, big or small, to share your love with the community around you.  There are so many ways that little things can add up.  Our world is hurting right now with a charged political environment, protests, war and suffering abroad, and so many other ills.  Focus on the good that is around you and share that in a new way. 

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