Friday, August 11, 2017

Body Balance During Pregnancy

Pregnancy provides a powerful time to nurture yourself as your child develops.  The following stretches and exercises will support your body and mind during your pregnancy.  

I felt so thankful when I was pregnant that I wasn’t in charge of the checklist of growth:
  • heart today - check
  • lungs tomorrow - check
  • skeletal structure - check
  • male or female?? Ahh male, ok sex organs - check. 
Our bodies are so intelligent and so powerful that without the first thought from us, they complete this phenomenal task.  Through it all we try to sleep, eat, and think positively to provide the health and structure for it all to happen.  Congratulations for hosting one of the most incredible events of your life, the creation of another life.  

There are so many emotions surrounding what goes on in your body.  Your body takes cues from these emotions and sets up a series of reactions to get itself ready for its next step. 
One of the emotions that commonly partners with pregnancy is uncertainty.  Who is this person living in my body?  Will she share my love of sunsets?  What color are his eyes?  Will my pet get along with her?  Through all of these and countless more unknown elements, we can try to find strength and power to counter balance the questions.  There is research out there to suggest that even if we don’t feel strong or powerful, we can fake it until we make it and our bodies will respond positively to the message of strength.  

These two movements that can help you to support that physical message of power and control.  They also support the sides of your body, which are acting as the glue to hold you together as your body starts to focus forward on the baby.

·         Teapot with Dowel:
·          Half Kneel with Dowel Twist:

The second area of focus is the forward fold that wants to happen as you talk with and snuggle the sweet thing in your belly.  The following will balance the curling in and keep you standing tall. Both of these give you a chance to focus on one side of the body at a time.  This will prepare you for when your little one arrives and you carry him in one arm as you do something with the other.  Just a tidbit, become ambidextrous and alternate arms as much as possible.

Chest Stretch 2 ways:

 ·          Three Point Row:

The next point of focus is the back.  The back has powerful potential, but only when supported by your abdominals and glutes.  When the spine is out of balance, it is difficult to be as strong as you can be.  The following movements will keep you away from the “waddle” that can happen as your backside loses stability.  Just because your joints are getting lax as a natural and necessary part of pregnancy, doesn’t mean your muscles have to follow suite.  

·         Half Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch:

·         Plie Squat:

The last and most important piece is your core.  Without core stability, you are putting the rest of your body at risk for injury.  Abdominal exercises don’t have to all be crunches, which I don’t recommend during pregnancy or just after birth.  Focus on the subtle stability that your body uses throughout the day. 

·         Pelvic floor – Kegels and gentle bouncing:

·         Transverse Abdominis

During your pregnancy and beyond, I wish for you:
  • Confidence in your body, your mind, and your community.  You can do this.  It will not be perfect, yet it will be incredible
  • The ability to ask for and accept help.  Being a martyr at this point is unnecessary and painful.  There will be enough of that already.  
  •  The ability to give to yourself.  It will become increasingly difficult to see past the infant in your arms.  Practice taking moments for yourself, if only to better prepare you to be there for your child. 
Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of your journey!

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