Tuesday, November 1, 2016

My 3 Go To Exercises to Build Core Strength After Baby

Having a baby changes your body in incredible ways.  You may find that you are creating moments rather than full sessions for your workouts as you transition to life with an infant.  Building strength can be gratifying to both your mental well-being and your ability to move around safely with your new precious cargo.  Try these three exercises to give you a boost in energy and a head start on strength recovery.

Goblet Squat for hip mobility, pelvic floor engagement, glute engagement:

Transverse Abdominis March on a Foam Roller for core engagement and low back support:

Plank to support lengthening the spine to counter the forward rounding of the shoulders and spine practiced during cuddling and feeding sessions:

Enjoy each second getting to know this beautiful new human, and support yourself so that you can be strong and balanced for your baby!

Take a peek at what helped me stay active during pregnancy:
Staying Healthy and Fit During Pregnancy - An Interview with Trainer Missy Hughes